Your Most Important Considerations when Purchasing a Steam Shower

Your Most Important Considerations when Purchasing a Steam Shower

The benefits of steam cannot be denied, the ancient Romans knew this very well, and that's why they were famous for their baths. In ancient Rome, baths were a common sight, and everyone could enjoy either a cold or hot room complete with food and beverages and even facilities for exercising. Additionally, the Romans liked bathing in special baths called'sweat baths, where they took advantage of hot air and quickly followed it with a plunge into cold water or a cold shower.

Today, we have the benefits of steam showers and baths for this purpose. Spending time in a steam shower or bath increases the production of white blood cells, which can boost the immune system. In a steam shower, your circulation can also improve and your body can get rid of toxins.

But before you head off to the nearest online shop and purchase a steam shower, you need to know a few important considerations first.

The steam shower needs to be completely sealed and enclosed

If you are thinking of having a custom-made steam shower, you have to make sure that it is completely enclosed so that no steam can escape. Whilst you can make use of a regular shower door, this still needs to be sealed with fixed panelling. The ceiling and walls of your steam shower enclosure also need to be surfaced or tiled with waterproof materials. However, if you decide to choose a pre-built steam shower, you wouldn't have to worry about these details, as the modular steam shower unit will already have these features in place, along with the appropriate steam generator. Moreover, steam shower units are actually easier to install than custom-built ones, and come loaded with features as well.

The best features to look for

When you are looking for the proper steam shower, there are some important feature considerations you should think about. This includes the ability to operate in a quiet manner. You wouldn't want a steam shower to have a loud and irritating sound whilst it's being operated, as this just defeats your purpose of relaxation.

Another important consideration when it comes to features is an instant operating feature. This means that the steam shower should operate as quickly as possible. Some units can take as much as twenty minutes just to 'warm up.' You may also want to consider adjustable controls for the mist so the steam is dispensed according to your liking, and an aromatherapy feature is a much-appreciated bonus as well. In addition, check if the steam shower unit can be plugged in to an existing outlet for electricity and if the outlet has enough power to run the steam shower. If not, you may need to have the electrical supply re-configured.