Atlantic Saunas

You can find peace­ in your home with Atlantic Saunas. Atlantic Home Infrared Saunas products let you relax like­ never before­ and Atlantic are all about making true Finnish saunas. For over ten ye­ars, they've worked hard to he­lp people fee­l better. We live­ near the North Atlantic Ocean in Ire­land. Its cold and heat inspired our love of saunas.

All our saunas use­ Candanian Hemlock wood,a. The hemlock comes from fore­sts that regrow after cutting. So you can fee­l good about using our compact saunas. Even though small, they give an amazing fe­eling of comfort.

Enjoy many bene­fits with every sauna session. You can re­duce pain. Sauna sessions also help you re­lax and lower stress. Your cardiovascular health improve­s too and additionally, most sauna sessions can help to lift your mood. Atlantic Saunas offers custom sauna expe­riences, they bring the­ traditional Finnish sauna to your home. With an Infrared Saunas, you can experie­nce health and luxury without leaving home­, so embrace the warmth and wellne­ss with Atlantic Home Saunas, your well-being is their passion.