What are the Real Benefits of Steam to Your Skin? Your Top Questions Answered

What are the Real Benefits of Steam to Your Skin? Your Top Questions Answered

We've all heard about the various benefits of the sauna and the steam room  these benefits have been known and taken advantage of since ancient times. The benefits that come to mind first of all are the soothing of aches in muscles and joints, increased blood flow, perspiration (and detoxification), and of course, relaxation of the mind.

However, there are also some great benefits you can get when it comes to your skin. Beware, however, since the effects are much better after a steam session rather than a sauna session. Why would that be so - What are the real benefits of steam to your skin? Here are your top questions answered.

A sauna vs. a steam room

The sauna is a great invention, but steam showers or steam rooms are superior when it comes to health benefits, especially when it comes to the skin. This is because the sauna applies dry heat - and this is dangerous because it tends to draw moisture from the skin and dehydrate it. The heat is also higher, posing a threat of skin damage. Steam ensures this does not happen.

What happens with steam?

When the steam hits the skin, two things happen. First, the skin is surrounded by water (in the form of steam) and this tends to keep your skin hydrated. Second, the temperature is low (compared to the sauna), about 110 degrees F or about 40 - 45 degrees C.

The benefits of steam

The two properties of steam mentioned above assure the following advantages:

  • Hydration - the humidity in the steam room or steam shower is 100%, so your skin does not get dehydrated. Your skin cells need water to live and grow, and the steam ensures they don't lose that precious H2O.
  • Cleansing - The steam makes you perspire, and this opens the pores in your skin so that (via your perspiration) all the dust and grime can leave the pores and get flushed out. Your skin also gets rejuvenated as old skin cells can easily be washed off.
  • Blood circulation - because of better blood circulation, your skin cells will receive more blood (which also means more oxygen and more nutrients), which helps your skin cells grow healthy.

It'should be noted, however, that in some situations steam can also be harmful to the skin. If you have certain skin conditions ? such as rosacea (whereby your skin shows a red appearance) or visible capillary damage - a regular steam shower may not be beneficial. Nevertheless, for most people, the steam shower offers innumerable advantages - not only to your overall health but also to your skin.