What are the Best Aromatherapy Scents to Use in a Steam Shower? Your Top Questions Answered
A steam shower is one of the best ways to relax. It's similar to the sauna except that it makes use of wet heat (in the form of steam), and this makes it actually better than the sauna. Thanks to the steam, your body and your mind are treated to the most relaxing and health-beneficial experience you can have in your own bathroom (yes indeed, in your own bathroom).
In order to heighten that experience and to make the most of it, however, you can use aroma-therapeutic products. Aromatherapy has long been known to stimulate your senses and to bring about an even deeper feeling of relaxation. What are the best aromatherapy scents to use in a steam shower - Here are your top questions answered.
The ancient art, the modern craft
Aromatherapy has a 9,000-year history, so humanity has had plenty of time to discover the mysteries behind this ancient art form. Recent developments and studies have discovered that aromatherapy can work in two ways. Firstly, the oils release sweet fragrances that'soothe the mind and bring psychological relief. Secondly - and this is even more amazing - certain oils have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
There are more than 100 oils that are commonly used for aromatherapy in the, each one of them stimulating the senses and triggering signals that travel to areas in the brain. The stimulations trigger memories or responses from certain areas of the body, leading to specific associated health effects.
Health benefits
The health benefits are real. The most common observation is that aromatherapy tends to work wonders with people who suffer from depression, or depressive effects from chronic illnesses. Some oils also help with viral, fungal, or bacterial diseases.
The steam shower
Your steam shower may have a compartment located near the rear panel in which essential oils can be placed. These oils are then released, along with the steam, to surround you.
Various scents
There are numerous scents, each with their own properties. The most common are eucalyptus (for coughs and asthma), lavender (sleep and tired muscles), peppermint (headaches), and so on.
The oils that are used for aromatherapy are created from plant extracts, and are therefore completely natural - in this regard, the way the ancients did it and the way it is done now are not so different. Of course, manufacturers are now more informed about the kinds of plants to use, how they should be used, in what combination, and to what extent. There are several kinds of oils for various functions, and they each allow your mind to reach its full potential. Discover the different scents and allow your body and mind to enjoy that steam shower even more.