The Top Three Choices You Need to Make when Buying a Freestanding Bath

The Top Three Choices You Need to Make when Buying a Freestanding Bath

The freestanding bath is becoming more and more popular, and this trend is sure to continue ? and for good reason, because the freestanding bath is like no other. Not only does the freestanding bath give you the luxury of bathing the way kings and queens do it, but it provides your bathroom with a centrepiece that is undeniably classic and elegant.

The freestanding bath creates the feeling of space, the feeling of peace, the feeling of luxury, and the feeling of being on top of the world. However, there are some things to consider if you're planning to install one of your own. Here are the top three choices you need to make when buying a freestanding bath.

The size of the room

The size of the bathroom will have a lot to do with what you can install into it; the size will immediately present you with limitations. However, if at all possible, it's always better to expand your bathroom (if you're going to renovate, anyway) rather than buy a smaller bath unit. The trend is that bathrooms are more and more appreciated and the value of the home increases significantly when the bathroom is large. Upsizing your bathroom is an investment for the whole home.

On plumbing

Water pipes are strange; they need to be out of sight yet they need to be accessible. Make sure you have the plan on paper and make it as flexible as possible. The more options you have, the more the value of your house increases. Note: leave it to the professionals to avoid problems later on.

Deciding on your taps

There's a variety of taps you can consider ? and it pays to spend some time finding the right ones for you. Here are the basic considerations to make:

  • Freestanding taps ? freestanding taps are perfect for a freestanding bath; they rise out of the ground and feed your freestanding bath with the perfect water (perfect pressure and perfect temperature).
  • Wall-mounted taps ? This is most common in bathrooms, and this means your freestanding bath will be mounted against the wall. It won?t be a freestanding bath if you don't have enough space in at least three directions, though.
  • Deck-mounted taps ? These are fixed to the freestanding bath itself; a marvellous option.

There's no doubt that freestanding baths give a ?wow? factor to your bathroom ? it's a classic design that will lend your bathroom the elegance it deserves. You can also be assured not only of a great bathing experience but also the value of your home significantly increasing. However, there are some important choices you have to make in order to get the right one for you ? so choose wisely. And enjoy the process.