Getting the Steam Shower that Fits your Needs and your Budget

Getting the Steam Shower that Fits your Needs and your Budget

So you've made up your mind: you will have a steam shower. Good for you! The benefits of steam showers are numerous indeed. Here at JT Spas, we not only supply you with all types of steam showers, cabins, and enclosures we will also help you make the best choice according to your needs, preferences, and budget.

Consider your bathroom's size

The first factor you have to consider is the size of the available space you have and what sort of changes you have to make to it in order to have a steam shower. Essentially, you have three choices: you can either retrofit or refurbish your existing shower, you can have an entirely new space designed or built, or you can purchase a steam shower unit and have it installed.

The important thing to remember is that the extent of work or changes to be made will depend greatly on your choice of steam shower.

Refurbishing your existing shower

If you decide to refurbish your existing shower, your stall needs to be fully enclosed in the first place. This is so that the steam will be adequately contained. Any opening in your existing shower stall will simply let the steam escape. Aside from this, it is also better to have a ceiling which is sloped so that the steam's condensation will drip away from you. To convert your regular shower into a steam shower, you would have to consult with an electrical and plumbing specialist as well.

A built-in shower

If you opt for a built-in steam cabin or shower, then that's just what it means: it will be built from the ground up from within your bathroom's walls and framing. The good thing about a built-in shower is that you can specify what you'really want, and you have more flexibility. But you have to consider all the details involved: from the proper tiles and flooring materials to certain requirements in height.

A modular steam shower

Your third option is to choose a modular or stand-alone'shower, which is basically a self-contained unit which can be installed in your bathroom. You still need to have your plumbing and electrical needs taken care of, but those are the only requirements when you opt for a modular unit. A steam shower unit has all that you need to relax and rejuvenate yourself, including extra-added features such as additional showerheads, piped-in music, water softeners, and more.